Clients we’ve worked with

Why Rivet360?


Award-winning content

We are a team of award-winning journalists and producers, not merely voice artists.


All-inclusive pricing

Our transparent pricing includes everything, with no hidden costs for revisions or extra drafts.


Dedicated production team

Our team is dedicated and available when you need us. We are not a constantly changing group of freelancers.


Expert host training

We offer ongoing support to enhance your podcast, guiding you through the pre-recording, recording, and post-recording stages. Our commitment extends beyond mere editing.

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  • Assist with scoping and establishing podcast goals
  • Identify target market
  • Create/select podcast name
  • Provide music options
  • Development of tone and voice
  • Develop production & launch calendars
  • Equipment recos
  • Plan for recording through event equipment or on social media platforms, if needed

  • Review questions drafted by client
  • Provide host coaching
  • Facilitate technical test of the recording equipment and environment

  • Review questions drafted by client
  • Provide host coaching
  • Facilitate technical test of the recording equipment and environment

  • Finalize music
  • Provide transcript of episode
  • Identify pull-quote
  • Edit episode

  • Create podcast listing
  • Distribution to all major podcast players

  • Episode art creation based on template
  • Hashtag recommendations
  • Reposting and amplification

  • Monthly metrics reports analysis and recommendations

  • Creation of microsite
  • Creation of podcast artwork
  • Creation of episode artwork template
  • Creation of video trailer
  • Creation of video from audio episodes
  • YouTube channel management
  • Record on-site
  • Source recording equipment
  • Social media execution

Award-winning producers

Journalism background

All-inclusive pricing

Dedicated production team

Host training by experts

Flexible & easy to work with

Our Services

We offer a complete 360 solution

Podcast benefits

  • Flexible billing, contracting and pricing arrangements.
  • Trusted, award-winning team you can confidently introduce to your clients.
  • Extension of your suite of services to include podcasting without incurring direct costs.
  • Seamless integration, fitting the podcast messaging and promotion under the larger comms strategy and alongside the other execution tactics.

  • Extend your marketing budget through event content optimization and amplifications.
  • Enhance sponsorship packages for revenue growth.
  • Provide compelling reasons for members to attend live events and individuals to join the association.
  • Maintain ongoing communication with your audience between live events, including a marketing platform for the next event.

  • Generate new leads and cultivate new business opportunities.
  • Position your experts as industry thought leaders.
  • Establish consistent communication with potential clients.
  • Utilize press releases, white papers, and blogs as valuable content resources.

  • Foster engaging relationships with your consumers.
  • Establish trust as the storytellers they rely on.
  • Consistently connect with listeners on their own terms.
  • Offer your audience what they yearn for, as 41% of Americans want to listen to a podcast from their favorite brand.

  • Generate new leads and new business.
  • Become a thought leader.
  • Repurpose press releases, white pages and blogs.

  • Update constituents on your plans and actions.
  • Track listens, subscribers and reviews.
  • Leverage the content across platforms indefinitely.
  • Develop a personal one-on-one connection between the office holder and the voter.
  • Empower the office holder to control the message and brand.

  • Increase ROI by leveraging event planning efforts beyond the event itself.
  • Market future events to potential attendees.
  • Create ongoing communication with target audience between live events.
  • Partner with MarComm to extend budgets.

  • Elevate your professors and researchers as thought leaders in their respective fields.
  • Involve alumni in your current studies and publications.
  • Foster relationships with prospective students, captivating them with the opportunity to learn from esteemed professors.
  • Produce branded content for future grant funding endeavors.

  • Extend your marketing budget through event content optimization and amplifications.
  • Provide compelling reasons for members to attend live events and individuals to join the association.
  • Enhance sponsorship packages for revenue growth.
  • Maintain ongoing communication with your audience between live events, including a marketing platform for the next event.

  • Foster deeper connections with your visitors.
  • Generate excitement for upcoming events and exhibits.
  • Elevate your curators with a platform for continuous communication.
  • Amplify the messages and power of unique presentations and speakers.

  • Share your mission effectively.
  • Connect with key stakeholders.
  • Foster grassroots donations.
  • Engage with the broader community.

  • Track downloads, reviews and subscribers.
  • Reach voters who don't attend events or follow the news.
  • Develop a personal connection between the candidate and the voter.
  • Leverage the content across platforms indefinitely.
  • Control over the candidate's message and brand.

  • Expand advertising packages.
  • Extend the reach of articles and columnists.
  • Connect with your audience through a new channel.
  • Harness the power of audio to emotionally engage with your audience.

  • Reach your congregation with your unique messaging, enabling them to share it with their friends and family.
  • Enable your leaders to continually welcome both new and existing members of your congregation.
  • Leverage your unique programs to offer programs tailored to various congregation members.
  • Eliminate the constraints of time and location, allowing your congregation to access your services on their own schedule.

Our work

what our clients are saying
